Archives for Tech Solutions
Hackerrank: SQL Query to get Customer Name who made max order in 10 years
Hackerrank is one of the top websites that help us to test our skills in different areas like C#, SQL, JAVA. Following is the SQL Query asked at Hackerrank. Problem…
Generate the code files Using Visual Studio and CLI
If you are working with Database First Approach while using Entity Framework Core, then there will be a requirement to generate the code files or Model files for the given…
Fix: File In Use Error in Release Pipeline while deployment
We might see in regular with an error with the above statement while doing a deployment to the IIS server in Release Pipeline using Azure DevOps. This error is not…
Getting UserName from JWT Token At Web API
It is a general requirement that, once the user is validated and received token and redirected to actual API to fetch or post the data. Here, if we want to…
Generate Random Password
It is a common requirement across most of the online application to generate some random password while registering a new user or for any password reset request in case forgetting an…
How to merge or combine multiple files
If you have any requirement to merge multiple files (like .txt, .sql) of similar file types into a single consolidated file. For example, we might have many .SQL files and…
Sorting JSON Array
There could be a situation where we need to sort the given complex JSON Array object based on the available column/properties. Following is the sample code which demonstrates how can…
Converting Byte Array to a File
Hi following is the two approaches for converting an existing byte array to the desired file in C# language. Approach-1: Low-level coding public void Convert() { FileStream stream = byte…
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond – SMTP Client
Error Message A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond…
Decoding HTML string to Normal String in JavaScript
There could be a situation where we might be store both HTML decoded text as well as HTML text such as email message. Generally, we use to have some text…