Archives for Server Side - Page 3
C# 8.0: Enhanced Using Declaration
As we all aware using keyword is been used to ensure that the Dispose() method will be called on a type object implemented IDisposableinterface when it reaches declared block as shown…
C# 8.0: Nullable Reference Types
As we all ware of Nullable Types feature in C# also known as Nullable Value Types which was introduced since C# version. The advantage of this type is to avoid…
Generate Random Password
It is a common requirement across most of the online application to generate some random password while registering a new user or for any password reset request in case forgetting an…
Understanding Persistence Ignorance Principle
Before understanding what is Persistence Ignorance principle, we need to understand the difference between DTO and POCO. As a programmer we should know about DTOs represent as Data Transfer Objects…
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond – SMTP Client
Error Message A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond…
Configuring Spring WebMVC using JavaConfig style
In this post we will discuss on how to setup/configure the Spring WebMVC application using JavaConfig style and Servlet 3 (without ). Lets start on the topic, The Spring WebMVC…
Asynchronous Main Method in C# 7.1
As we are aware all .NET based applications will be having an entry point and .NET runtime will load and start executing the application from here. Since C# , we…
Switch Statement Enhancements in C# 7.0
Now from C# Switch statement will be having more power in matching the cases. Earlier, Switch statement can be used only for primitive and string types. But now we can…
Understanding Pattern Matching in C# 7.0
As we are aware of is-Expression where we can use is keyword to verify the given type. In C# , this has been extended to constant, type as well as var patterns. Let's dig into…
Out Variable Enhancements in C# 7.0
In C# , there were a couple of improvements in using out variable. To understand these enhancements we need to know how it was implemented in earlier versions , till C# Following is the…