Author Archives: saikk - Page 10
How Inheritance is importance in Object Oriented Programming?
One of the important features in the Object Oriented Programming is Reusability, as we said above that it is always a good way to reuse the already existing functionality rather than…
Short Notes about Abstract Classes
An abstract class is a class that is designed to be specifically used as a base class. An abstract class contains at least one pure virtual function. You declare a…
Explaining briefly about Object Oriented Programming
The world can be considered to consist of many objects. Objects will have attributes and behaviors. A water heater is a simple example of an object. It has certain attributes…
Finding count of Prime Numbers contains for a given Number
Recently I need to add some of this kind of functionality in my on-going project and for that, I wrote some simple method to returning the count of prime Numbers…
How to crack browser cache issue?
When we access any web application, our browser hits the server and gets all the required resource/content files and cache those for further requests to avoid latency and improve a…