Interview: Write Palindrome Program
This is the most common program which will be asked for a fresher to the programming world.
Following are some of the steps to achieve a Palindrome program algorithm
- Read the number from the user using the console (in our case)
- Hold the number in a temporary variable
- Reverse the number
- Compare the temporary number with a reversed number
- If both numbers are same, print palindrome number. Else print not a palindrome number
using System; public class PalindromeExample { public static void Main(string[] args) { int n,r,sum=0,temp; Console.Write("Enter the Number: "); n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); temp=n; while(n>0) { r=n%10; sum=(sum*10)+r; n=n/10; } if(temp==sum) Console.Write("Number is Palindrome."); else Console.Write("Number is not Palindrome"); } }
Enter the Number=151 Number is Palindrome. Enter the number=123 Number is not Palindrome.
Happy Coding 🙂